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leicester university中文是什么意思

用"leicester university"造句"leicester university"怎么读"leicester university" in a sentence


  • 莱塞斯特大学
  • 莱斯特大学
  • 莱西斯特大学


  • The research , partly carried out by leicester university medical school , appears in a special human and animal health issue of the bmj , highlighting the impact nature has on people ' s well - being
  • Women with fuller lips are 28 per cent more likely to be seen as a fun date than material , while their thin - lipped rivals were 57 per cent more likely to have long s , the leicester university study found
    这项莱斯特大学所做的研究发现,嘴唇较厚的女性成为约会对象的可能性比成为结婚对象的可能性大28 % ,而嘴唇较薄的女性拥有长期稳定感情的可能性要高出57 % 。
  • Women with fuller lips are 28 per cent more likely to be seen as a fun date than marriage material , while their thin - lipped rivals were 57 per cent more likely to have long relationships , the leicester university study found
    莱斯特大学所做的研究发现,嘴唇较厚的女性成为约会对象的可能性比成为结婚对象的可能性大28 % ,而嘴唇较薄的女性拥有长期稳定感情的可能性要高出57 % 。
  • Women with fuller lips are 28 per cent more likely to be seen as a fun date than marriage material , while their thin - lipped rivals were 57 per cent more likely to have long relationships , the leicester university study found
    这项莱斯特大学所做的研究发现,嘴唇较厚的女性成为约会对象的可能性比成为结婚对象的可能性大28 % ,而嘴唇较薄的女性拥有长期稳定感情的可能性要高出57 % 。
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